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  • Anneka Waters

The 6 Elements of Nutrition

Updated: May 22, 2020

Nutrition is a very large and complex aspect of life although it is generally looked upon. While exact recommendations vary from each individual on what to or not to eat, there are 6 elements of nutrition which are the foundation of every diet. These include fat, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals and water.


Fat is an important element and a vital aspect of a healthy diet, although, too much can negatively affect your diet. Fat is also an essential nutrient that helps protect organs and boots the rate of absorption of vitamins. Get enough healthy fats by eating foods that include unsaturated fats such as, avocados, olives, peanut butter (organic, low sugar and salt), nuts, fish and vegetable oil.


Carbohydrates are very important in a person’s diet as it is the body’s main energy source, but just like fat & also protein, too much can negatively affect your diet. Carbs are present in all fruit, vegetables, breads and grains, sugar and sugary foods. Although often excused from trendy diets, carbs are necessary to a healthy diet.


Protein is yet another important element in a person’s diet as it is essential to building muscle mass. Protein is made up of chemical "building blocks" called amino acids which allows the body to build and repair muscles and bones to make hormones and enzymes. Amino acids are also an energy source and can be found in foods such as meat, seafood, poultry, grains, beans and dairy products.

Vitamins & Minerals:

Vitamins and minerals are essential parts of the foods you eat and very influential to a person's diet. They are found in most foods from the 5 food groups, so if you have a balanced diet, you’ll get all the vitamins and minerals you need.


Finally, water is essential to every person's diet as it makes up 60% of the human body. This means it is crucial to stay hydrated and continuously drink water throughout the day - at least 2 litres per day! Water is also essential to a diet as it carries nutrients to all cells in the human body and oxygen to the brain. As well as this, it allows the body to absorb minerals, vitamins, glucose and other substances and it flushes out toxins and waste while helping to regulate body temperature! Water is a must need or your body will shut down!

If more information is needed, go to for tips and guidelines to meeting your daily dietary needs.

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